Bullying Prevention Resources
The following bullying prevention resources are designed to be used with youth in Religious Education, Sunday Schools or Youth Group Meetings. They are all free downloads for use and reproduction provided proper credit is given to the author(s).
Authors interested in submitting lesson plans should contact Warren Throckmorton with submissions. We are primarily interested in materials which encourage adherence to the Golden Rule and other teachings on civility and mutual respect.
- Christians and Bullying Prevention - This lesson plan can be conducted in one 80-90 minute youth meeting or as a part of a two-part series. The plan provides a basis for bullying prevention from biblical teaching along with exercises which dramatize the problem and solutions. For grades 7-12.
- Bullying Role Play - This role play is referred to in the lesson plan above and is designed to make students aware of the different roles in a bullying episode. Using the story of the Good Samaritan (described in the lesson plan), this can also serve as a separate lesson. For grades 7-12.
- The Freshman in the Lunchroom (Bullying Prevention Skit GRP 003) - This skit role plays a bullying scenario where a young boy is perceived to be gay. Designed to acted out by older youth group members or youth leaders, the skit provides a prompt for discussion and can be used with the lesson plan, Christians and Bullying Prevention. For grades 7-12.
- The Golden Rule and Civil Rights - This lesson examines the famous Civil Rights Speech delivered by President John F. Kennedy. In it, President Kennedy referred to the Golden Rule as a basis for his call for comprehensive civil rights legislation. Students examine the speech, relevant Scriptures and how to apply the Golden Rule to serve others and God.
What people are saying about these resources:
With such drastic consequences that have been proven time and again, it saddens my heart to see so many in the Christian world not take a bold frontrunning stand to cut off all bullying in our schools, churches, and communities. This curriculum is an easy and productive way to not only start the conversation but show Jesus' biblical mandate for His followers to stand up and live differently. The time is now. The time has to be now. Download this curriculum. Implement it. And continue to be serious about sprinting towards what so many sprint away from. Bullying is never an option.
-Andrew Marin, author of the award winning book Love is an Orientation and President of The Marin Foundation
It's time for the Christian Community to step up to lead the way for putting an end to bullying in our schools. Recent headlines with regards to students taking or attempting to take their lives should be a wake-up call to all Christians to train our youth to not only stand against all forms of bullying, but to equip them to be used of God in putting an end to it in the schools where they attend. I believe this program can be used to equip and empower them to do just that in a way that will also show their classmates the love of Christ as well.
-Bob Finch, PhD, Director of Missions of the Pike (KY) Association of Southern Baptists
This material from Warren Throckmorton is long overdue. Bullying is something that has plagued generation after generation. I hope that this study by Warren will give students a vivid picture of the effects of bullying and that the picture would eliminate bullying altogether. Now, if only someone would create this for adults.
-Adam Herald, Associate Pastor of Student and Family Ministries at Salem First Baptist Church in Salem, Illinois.